
Another place for talk about culture, religion and politics.

November 08, 2004


Jest spressin' arr kindolinses to show biz Democrats

Howdy there, y'all! Jest spressin' arr kindolinses 'bot dis recent lection. Yuh know, we'uns ott heer ern't vurry smert, goin' tuh arr jobs at the faktree, cumma home wen duh wissel blows, drinkin' beer, scratchin' urselves and wachin' y'all on the toob. Don't think much 'bout poleetix 'n such. We jist trust you edgkated fokes fer that.

And now, you're really angry with us for being so stupid. Why, exactly?

You live in the United States just as we do, even after threatening so many times to go somewhere else. Though you don't have much respect for all those dead white males who started this country, you obviously like it here and have done pretty well for yourselves.

Why have you done so well? Because most of us watch your television shows, go to your movies and concerts, buy the products you advertise, and read the magazines you so graciously dumb down to our level. We even slavishly follow the trends you set for us in fashion, hairstyle and music. For us, you are a hard habit to break.

So if we're so stupid and you're so smart, how is it that we didn't just follow along blindly when you put so much energy into your message?
You live - and evidently feel - like this country's Roman deities. Is that the real contrast in your minds between blue and red states? Do the blue states represent the peasants and the sheep, and their gods of Mt. Olympus?
But hold on a minute! The fact is, you need us more than we need you. Your livelihood depends on us, not ours on you.

Maybe when it comes right down to it, you have a low opinion of what you yourselves create and preach most of the time, which means we're just the dull masses, feeding on crap provided for us by a bunch of glitzy closet capitalists. But if you think so little of your own product, then what right do you have to be taken seriously in matters of politics, religion, education and family?
So please clarify your viewpoint. Are the people who buy your products and vote for presidents stupid or not?

Please let Hillary and the rest of us know before 2008.

Donald L. McIntyre
Copyright © 2004 Donald L. McIntyre

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